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Sunday, May 28th, 2017

Congratulation! Congratulation! We have already finished our exams yesterday.Since I have gave you the exams back. That means June is almost there. So, you can have a little bit of days to relax. If you want, you can read some books.

I'm giving back your score for participating our class, doing your homework, and much more. But, all of you didn't do all of your homework. And if you know some HELPFUL websites, you can email me the link address. And I will put it on HElPFUL LINKS. If you will attend some other classes and quit this class you may like to attend MR. WANG'S CHINESE CLASS. This is all my class. Tell me before June begins. If you didn't, than you have to wait until July.

And last time we go to Tainan, We took a lot of pictures. But I didn't put it on the blog last time. So I would like to put it on blog today. The trip to Tainan was very fun and interesting. The first train is noisy and fast. The second train was quiet and extremely slow. I really love the trip.

SECRET BLOG MESSAGE: June is almost there.
Sincerely and have a great night.
Mr. Wang


P.S. : Please do not forgot to do your homework again, everyone and enjoy the pictures.


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