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Showing posts from April, 2017

Sunday, April 30st, 2017

Good morning, everyone, today is the last day of April. We will have our quiz very soon. so I would like you to study the quiz for May. Some of you still have writing a biography about Helen Keller to do. So please do it tonight. HOMEWORK: Reading: Read the Helen Keller assignment. Other: Secret Blog Message, You can send email to me or use hangout. SECRET BLOG MESSAGE: Study for quiz Sincerely, Mr. Wang

Saturday, April 29th, 2017

HEEEEEELLLOOO friends, today was a fantastic day. In the morning, I make your quiz for May. I will also give you a study guide today. I will give you the quiz on Saturday, May 27th, 2017. There was also a homework problem that of us didn't do the homework as quickly as you can. If you don't do your homework when I post it, than next time I will give you less time to do it. And also, I don't accept any messages after 10:00 .  I go to bed at 10:00. The secret blog message is also part of your homework. The secret blog messages is a homework for EVERY SINGLE DAY . So don't forget to tell me the secret blog message. The secret blog message is due EVERY SINGLE DAY'S 10:00. You can send email, use hangout, to tell me the secret blog message. HOMEWORK: Writing: Writing a biography about Helen Keller. It is due on May 4th. ( Only some of you need to do it, It is due very soon.) Computer: Typing Practice, you need to type it everyday. It don't have due date. Yo

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Hello friends, today is the first day to Super Home. So, I don't have anything to remind you. Just for Homework. Please read Introduction For Our Class. HOMEWORK: Writing: Writing a biography for Helen Keller. Other: Secret Blog Message. SECRET BLOG MESSAGE: remember to do your homework Sincerely, Mr. Wang

Introduction For Our Class

Good night, friends. Welcome to Super Home, The blog address is We will have a secret blog message everyday. You need to send an email to me and tell me the secret blog message. Every day, I will post a blog. Unless, I don't have time to post it. When an assignment is posted, I will give you 7 days to finish it. If you don't turn in on time, It's will be a LATE  homework. So remember always do your homework. Please read the blog everyday. If you don't read the blog everyday, you won't know the homework and some important thing that I write on the blog. When a month is finished, I will send your score for this month. There will also be a test for it. Here is a schedule for the way I will give you your score. Daily Homework: 5 point each. Test: 50 point each. Secret Blog Message: 5 point each. Sincerely, Mr. Wang